We are off to a running start this January!! We have district testing in language arts this week, math next Wednesday, as well as end of term 2 on Friday. Report cards will be saved for SEP's on February 5th and 6th ~ sign up online as soon as you can. If you're not sure how, I think there are directions in the Westridge Wednesday Wildcat.
State Report Packets are being assembled as I write. Your student selected a state on Monday and will be doing research and other fun assignments about their state. We will wrap up the research with a State Fair in the gym on March 6th at 2:00. Parents are invited! The packets have all the due dates and summaries of what each assignment entails. Much time will be given in class to work on these, but your child may need a little additional time/help at home.
Thanks for all that you do! I am really enjoying this year ~ we have a great bunch of kiddo's! Thank you also for all your time volunteering, for supplies that keep coming in, for the very thoughtful Christmas gifts, and for sending such great kids to interact with!
Mrs. Fuller