Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Great Day!
Today, we had a class meeting, which we call "Circle Time" (because we sit in a circle on our chairs).  As part of this meeting, I teach the children how to give (and receive) a meaningful compliment, such as: "I would like to compliment __________.  I noticed that he/she included kids at recess that looked lonely."  After we went one round about the circle, complimenting the person who sat at our left, several piped up about how much fun they had and asked if we could go another round.  We did, and I heard students comment about how nice it felt to have someone say something nice about them, and also how nice it felt to say something nice.  We realized that a compliment could be given to a different gender person and it didn't mean that they were getting married! :) (~ big stuff for 5th grade!!!)
I about cried at how sweet and genuine the children were.  What a dynamic group!  Bravo Parents for raising children who enjoy being kind.  

On an unrelated note, remember that it is Fall Break and we have NO SCHOOL on Thursday, Friday, or Monday!  Please encourage your kiddos to read a good book or two.  Have a wonderful holiday!
Mrs. Fuller

Monday, October 6, 2014

One Month Countdown

Just a quick reminder to read like a superstar!  We have about a month until SEP's, and have set goals to read 11 - 12 reading level books by then ~ with a goal of 40 for the year.  Tick Tock.... :)  Fall break might be the perfect time to catch up!  

Also, Westridge is focussing on kindness this month, so keep track of all the great things you are doing so we can add links to our chain!  This should be easy for our class, as you are super nice anyways.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Well, we are off to another new year!  I can hardly believe how fast the time goes.  I hope everyone had a wonderful summer.  I am amazed that it is already over... I wish I had made it to the pool!  The links on this blog have some wonderful practice and helps for the kiddos ~ please try them out and let me know your favorites!  I will update some of them and load new ones during the first few months of school to better help you.  I feel lucky to work with such a fantastic bunch.  Thank you parents for all you do to help our classroom be successful and for the many supplies which have come our way!  Every bit helps!  It feels like a good year, doesn't it!? (I know, double punctuation is such a bad example, but sometimes I just have GOT to do it! :) )

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

State Reports are coming soon!

We are off to a running start this January!! We have district testing in language arts this week, math next Wednesday, as well as end of term 2 on Friday.  Report cards will be saved for SEP's on February 5th and 6th ~ sign up online as soon as you can.  If you're not sure how, I think there are directions in the Westridge Wednesday Wildcat.

State Report Packets are being assembled as I write.  Your student selected a state on Monday and will be doing research and other fun assignments about their state.  We will wrap up the research with a State Fair in the gym on March 6th at 2:00.  Parents are invited!  The packets have all the due dates and summaries of what each assignment entails.  Much time will be given in class to work on these, but your child may need a little additional time/help at home.

Thanks for all that you do!  I am really enjoying this year ~ we have a great bunch of kiddo's!  Thank you also for all your time volunteering, for supplies that keep coming in, for the very thoughtful Christmas gifts, and for sending such great kids to interact with!

Mrs. Fuller